Well, I can relate to you in your wanting your mom back. My mom is now "one of them". I had it out with her over the whole issue today. It was my 40th birthday a few weeks back and my mom was not there. She has been there for every one of my birthdays up to this point. She has only gone to "the other side" completely over the last year or so. I know how hurtful it is for you. And of course I told my own mom how much it hurt but it got me nowhere. I also have 2 of her grandchildren. They are only 7 and 8 years old. What do I tell them? When they ask "where is grandma?" I too have many questions.
canadian girl
JoinedPosts by canadian girl
Hello! My mom is aJW and I have lots of questions!
by WANTMOMBACK inmy mom has been a jw for most of her life.
she was df in 1989 for having an affair.
our lives(me and my borthers and sister) became unbearable because she didn't leave my abusive father.
Question: If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS?
by hambeak ini am puzzled, i see a lot of new posts from supposedly active jw's passing out new tract and don't believe it.
i can understand still attending meetings especially if family is still involved.
why not just fade away?
canadian girl
Thank you Shelly. I am sure that I will find many a freind here. And I sure do miss my mom. She is the only blood family that I have here in this town so it is very hard some days. We used to spend so much time together and now i feel like her so called freinds are trying to get her away from me. It just really sucks. I mean what is gonna happen at Christmas time when my 7 and 8 year olds ask "where is Gramma"? She has always been there for them and now? I guess time will tell now won't it.
Question: If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS?
by hambeak ini am puzzled, i see a lot of new posts from supposedly active jw's passing out new tract and don't believe it.
i can understand still attending meetings especially if family is still involved.
why not just fade away?
canadian girl
Thank you Arthur. I think that I will stick around for awhile.
I hate it when they make me cry!!
by Scully ini thought i was pretty much immune to any jws being able to tug at my heartstrings anymore.. mr scully and i were out shopping this morning, when someone called my name and then grabbed me and gave me a big hug.
i hadn't seen her in over 15 years.
back then, she was a teenager and i was about 10 years older than her... but we hit it off really well and mr scully and i became really good friends with her and her parents.
canadian girl
Thank you "finally-free". It sure makes body feel good when a total stranger has more empathy then a mother.
I hate it when they make me cry!!
by Scully ini thought i was pretty much immune to any jws being able to tug at my heartstrings anymore.. mr scully and i were out shopping this morning, when someone called my name and then grabbed me and gave me a big hug.
i hadn't seen her in over 15 years.
back then, she was a teenager and i was about 10 years older than her... but we hit it off really well and mr scully and i became really good friends with her and her parents.
canadian girl
Thats ok Arthur. I guess that I should have not flown off the handle so quickly and actuall read more posts before posting myself. That was my first post so I guess that I have learned my lesson well. I shall go and look up the book that you told me about and maybe I will get more insight into my mothers head.
Question: If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS?
by hambeak ini am puzzled, i see a lot of new posts from supposedly active jw's passing out new tract and don't believe it.
i can understand still attending meetings especially if family is still involved.
why not just fade away?
canadian girl
I am sorry that I came across as so nasty. It was in the heat of the moment and I did not realise that, I guess, that this was mostly non JWs. I would really just like to get a hold of the ones that "stole" my mother from her family. Again I am sorry for my words.
I hate it when they make me cry!!
by Scully ini thought i was pretty much immune to any jws being able to tug at my heartstrings anymore.. mr scully and i were out shopping this morning, when someone called my name and then grabbed me and gave me a big hug.
i hadn't seen her in over 15 years.
back then, she was a teenager and i was about 10 years older than her... but we hit it off really well and mr scully and i became really good friends with her and her parents.
canadian girl
Well here is my story...
My mum is now a devoted JW. Only for the past couple of years , mind you. It was my 40th Birthday yesterday and I did not even get so much as a Happy Birthday honey. When my mum first "joined" I asked her how this was going to effect our family now. I was told that nothing would change. I have her only 4 grandchildren. Last year nothing did change, but all that apparently seemed to change this year at mothers day. I was informed, when I took her a mothers day gift that they were not allowed to celebrate this holiday I said well I do amd always will. What am I supposed to do? Yesterday it broke my heart. My husband was so furious that he wants to go to one of her "meetings" and tell them all what he thinks of them.
Please help me understand this
Question: If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS?
by hambeak ini am puzzled, i see a lot of new posts from supposedly active jw's passing out new tract and don't believe it.
i can understand still attending meetings especially if family is still involved.
why not just fade away?
canadian girl
Ok now a question for everyone out there...
How do you "JW" people sleep at night? You brainwash good people into beleiving everything that you say. How can a person whom was raised catholic and for 70 plus years that could not not even stand the thought of becoming one of you now be so freakin devoted? To pass on their first borns 40th birthday without even a HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear child of mine...after never missing a birthday. You people do realise that without birthdays NONE of you would be here!!! I am so freakin SICK of the hypocrites that you all are it is not even funny!!!
I look forward to how you respond to this one.
Give me some very good reasons for your behaviour and then I will think twice about taking your fancy little magazine at my door step.